
CUNKY SÉRIE : Roby le Robot - Patron Gratuit

Patron original par Lisa Marie Arseneault d'Amigurumore, 2018 ©

Abréviations :
m = maille
m.l. = maille en l’air (chainette)
m.c. = maille coulée
m.s. = maille serrée
augm. = augmentation (2 m.s. dans la même m.)
dim. = diminution (2 m.s. ensemble)
b.a. = brin arrière
t/é = terminez et coupez

Matériel :
J'ai utiliser des restants de fils de grosseur moyenne,
pour le petit Roby.
Vous pouvez utiliser n'importe quel crochet
entre 3.0 et 4.0 mm avec du fil moyen (worsted).
Pour le grand Roby, j'ai utilisé la moitié d'un gâteau de fils
de Bernat Pop! Bulky de couleur arc-en-ciel riche et un crochet de 8 mm.
[Vous pouvez utiliser n’importe quel fil, mais soyez certain de choisir une grosseur de
crochet appropriée, vous avez besoin de mailles serrées]
Yeux de sécurité (la taille que vous souhaitez!),
Vous pouvez aussi utiliser ce que vous désirez comme des buttons, de la laine,
de la feutrine ou du fil, mais je préfère les yeux de sécurité
Utilisez du fils si le jouet est pour un bébé ou un enfant de moins de 3 ans
Aiguille avec bout rond

Comment lire mon patron

J’écris mes patrons de la même façon que Sharon d’Amigurumi to go
Chaque rang/tour possède une séquence.
Par exemple : 1 m.s. puis augm. veut dire de répéter cette séquence
jusqu’à la fin de ce rang en particulier.

Le nombre entre parenthèses ( ~ ) est le nombre de mailles que vous
devriez avoir à la fin du rang dont il est question.

Important :
Ne vous gênez pas avec le rembourrage!
Roby est plus mignon quand il est un peu costaud, il a besoin de beaucoup de rembourrage!
Aussi, utilisez des marqueurs de mailles!

Tête et corps (ensemble, moins de morceaux à coudre)
1- anneau/cercle magique de 6 m. (6)
2- augm. (12)
3- 1 m.s., augm. (18)

4- 2 m.s. puis augm. (24)
5-8- 1 m.s. dans chq m. pour 4 rangs 9- 2 m.s., dim. (18) 10- 1 m.s., dim (12) 11- 2 m.s., augm. (18) 12- 13- 1 m.s. dans chq. m. pour 2 rangs 14- 2 m.s., augm. (24) 15- 1 m.s. dans chq. m. pour 1 rang 16- 2 m.s., dim. (18) 17- 1 m.s., dim. (12) 18- dim. (6) t/é.
Bras (x2) 1- anneau/cercle magique de 6 m. (6)
2- augm. (12)

*Changement de couleur
3- 1 m.s., dim. (8)
4-6- 1 m.s. dans chq. m. pour 3 rangs
7- 2 m.s., dim, (6) t/é.

Pieds (x2)
1- anneau/cercle magique de 6 m. (6)
2- augm. (12)
3- 1 m.s. dans chq. m. pour un rang
4- 2 m.s., dim. (9)
5- 1 m.s. dans chq. m. pour un rang
6- m.s. à travers les deux épaisseurs. t/é.

Jambes (x2)
1- anneau/cercle magique de 6 m. (6)
2- 2 m.s., augm. (8)
3-6- 1 m.s. dans chq. m. pour 4 rangs. t/é.

1- anneau/cercle magique de 6 m. (6)
2- 3 m.s. dans la même m.(2x), 1 m.s. (14)
3- 1 m.s., 3 augm., 3 m.s., 3 augm., 4 m.s. (20) t/é.

1- 20 m.l., 9 dim. t/é.

1- anneau/cercle magique de 6 m. (6)

1- Yeux de sécurité : 2e rang, 4 m. entre
2- Coudre le visage sous le 4e rang
3- Coudre l'antenne sur le dessus de la tête
4- Coudre les bras
5- Coudre les pieds sur les jambes
6- Coudre les les jambes
7- Coudre les boutons : un agit comme nombril et les deux autres, comme oreilles


Merci d'avoir utilisé mon patron!

Vous pouvez utiliser ce patron pour votre usage personnel seulement!
Vous pouvez vendre le produit une fois terminé.
Ce patron est le mien, ne le copiez pas et demandez moi de l'utiliser autrement que pour vous.

Visitez moi sur Instagram et tagez moi sur la photo de votre Roby à @amigurumore. Utilisez l'hashtag #amigurumore pour partagez l'amour!

Les patrons des amis de Roby seront publiés prochainement.

Lisa from @amigurumore

CHUNKY SERIE : Roby the Robot Free Pattern

Original pattern of Lisa Marie Arseneault from Amigurumore, 2018 ©

st = stitch
sc = single crochet
sl st = slip stitch
2tog = crochet 2 stitches together (or an invisible decrease)
ch = chain
f/o = finish off

Supply :
I used worsted yarn leftovers for the little baby Roby.
I always use hook between 3.0 and 4.0 mm with worsted yarn. For the big and colorful Roby, I used half a cake of
Bernat Pop! Bulky yarn and a 8 mm hook.
The colorway is Rainbow.
[You can use any yarn, but be sure to choose the appropriate hook size, you need tight stitches]
Safety eyes (the size you want!), you can also use whatever you want like buttons,
felt or yarn, but I prefere safety eyes
Use yarn if this toy is for a baby or a kid under 3 years old
Blunt end needle

How to read this pattern :
I write my patterns the same way as Sharon from Amigurumi to go
Each row has a sequence.
Example: 1sc then 2sc in next st means repeat that sequence
1sc then 2sc in next st followed by 1sc then 2sc in next st over and over
to the end of that particular row.
The number inside the parentheses ( ~ ) is the number of stitches you should have at the end of that particular row.

Important :
Don’t be shy with stuffing!
Roby is more cute when he is a little fat, so he needs a lot of stuffing!

Also, use stitch markers!

Body and head
1- magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)
2- 2sc in each st (12)
3- 1sc then 2sc in next st (18)
4- 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (24)

5-8- 1sc in each st for 4 rows
9- 2sc, 2tog (18)
10- 1sc, 2tog (12)
11- 1sc, 2sc in the next st (18)
12-13- 1sc in each st for 2 rows
14- 2sc, 2sc in the next st (24)
15- 1sc in each st for 1 row
16- 2sc, 2tog (18)
17- 1sc, 2tog (12)
18- 2tog (6)

Arms (x2)
1- magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)
2- 2sc in each st (12)
*Change the color (skip to the next color if you are working with a cake)
3- 1sc, 2tog (8)
4-6- 1sc in each st for 3 rows
7- 2sc, 2tog (6) f/o.

Feet (x2)
1- magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)
2- 2sc in each st (12)
3- 1sc in each st for 1 row
4- 2sc, 2tog (9)
5- 1sc in each st for 1 row
6- sc accross both layers. f/o.

Legs (x2)
1- magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)
2- 2sc, 2sc in the same st (8)
3-6- 1sc in each st for 4 rows

Face patch1- magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)
2- 3sc in the same st, 3sc in the smae st, 1sc (14)
3- 1sc, 2sc in the same st (3 times), 3sc, 2sc in the same st (3 times), 4sc (20)

1- ch 20, 2tog (9 times)

Boutons (x3)
1- magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)

1- Sew the face under row 4 of the head
2- Put the safety eyes on the row 2 of the face, 4 sts appart
3- Sew the antenna on the top of the head
4- Sew the arms
5- Sew the feet on the legs
6- Se the legs on the feet
7- Sew the boutons. One acts as a belly bouton, the others, as ears.


You can use this pattern for your personal use only!

You can also sell the finish product.

This pattern is my own, don’t copy it and ask me if you can use it.

Visit me on Instagram and tag me on the picture of your Robot at @amigurumore.
Use the hashtag #amigurumore to share the love!

Message me if you have any questions about the pattern,
I will try to answer as fast as possible.
The Patterns of the Friends of Roby will be publish soon!
Lisa from @amigurumore


Luly the Unicorn

Original pattern of Lisa Marie Arseneault from Amigurumore, 2018 ©

st = stitch
sc = single crochet
sl st = slip stitch
2tog = crochet 2 stitches together
ch = chain
f/o = finish off

Supply :
Use any two colors of worsted yarn and a 3.5 mm hook
(It's what I used, but you can use anything beetween 3.0 mm and 4.0 mm with worsted yarn).
[You can use any yarn, but be sure to choose the appropriate hook size, you need tight stitches]
Safety eyes (the size you want!), you can also use whatever you want like buttons,
felt or yarn, but I prefere safety eyes
Use yarn if this toy is for a baby or a kid under 3 years old
Blunt end needle

How to read this pattern :
I write my patterns the same way as Sharon from Amigurumi to go
Each row has a sequence.
Example: 1sc then 2sc in next st means repeat that sequence
1sc then 2sc in next st followed by 1sc then 2sc in next st over and over
to the end of that particular row.
The number inside the parentheses ( ~ ) is the number of stitches you should have at the end of that particular row.

Important :
Don’t be shy with stuffing!
Luly is more cute when she is a little fat, so she needs a lot of stuffing!
Also, use stitch markers!

Head and body (all together, less sewing needed!)
[We start by the head]
1- magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)
2- 2sc in each st (12)
3- 1sc then 2sc in next st (18)
4- 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (24)
5- 1sc in next 3st then 2sc in next st (30)
6- 1sc in next 4st then 2sc in next st (36)
7- 1sc in next 5st then 2sc in next st (42)
8- 1sc in next 6st then 2sc in next st (48)
9-16- 1sc in each st for 7 rows
17- 1sc in next 7st then 2sc in next st (54)
18-20- 1sc in each st for 3 rows
21- 1sc in next 7st then 2tog (48)
22- 1sc in next 6st then 2tog (42)
23- 1sc in next 5st then 2tog (36)
24- 1sc in next 4st then 2tog (30)
25- 1sc in next 3st then 2tog (24)
26- 1sc in next 2st then 2tog (18)
[Time to start the body, don’t forget to stuff]
27- 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (24)
28-30- 1sc in each st for 3 rows
31- 1sc in next 3st then 2sc in next st (30)
32- 1sc in next 4st then 2sc in next st (36)
33-36- 1sc in each st for 4 rows
37- 1sc in next 4st then 2tog (30)
38- 1sc in next 3st then 2tog (24)
39- 1sc in next 2st then 2tog (18)
[Last chance to stuff the body]
40- 1sc in next st then 2tog (12)
41- 1sl st, f/o, close up

1- magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)
2- 2sc in each st (12)
3- 1sc then 2sc in next st (18)
4- 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (24)
5- 1sc in next 3st then 2sc in next st (30)
6- 1sc in next 4st then 2sc in next st (36)
7- 1sc in next 5st then 2sc in next st (42)
8- 1sc in next 6st then 2sc in next st (48)
9-12- 1sc in each st for 4 rows
13- 1sc in next 6st then 2tog (42)
14- 1sl st, f/o, leave a long tail for sewing

1- magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)
2- 1sc in each st for 1 row
3- 1sc in next st then 2sc in next st (9)
4-6- 1sc in each st for 3 rows
7-1sl st, f/o, leave a long tail for sewing

[Make 2, of course!]
1- magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)
2- 1sc in next st then 2sc in next st (9)
3- 1sc in each st for 1 row
4- 1sc in next 2st then 2sc in next st (12)
5-6- 1sc in each st for 2 rows
7- 1sc in next 2st then 2tog (9)
8- 1sc in each st for 1 row
9-1sl st, f/o, leave a long tail for sewing

Arms and legs
[You need 4 of them]
1- magic circle or adjustable loop with 6st (6)
2- 2sc in each st (12)
3- 1sc then 2sc in next st (18)
4-6- 1sc in each st for 3 rows
[color change to the body color]
7-11- 1sc in each st for 5 rows
12- 1sc in next 4st then 2tog (15)
13-15- 1sc in each st for 3 rows
16- 1sc in next 3st then 2tog (12)
17-18- 1sc in each st for 2 rows
19-1sl st, f/o, leave a long tail for sewing


By using 3 tread of yarn, 4ch.
f/o, leave a long tail for sewing


1- Sew the muzzle in the middle of the face

2-Sew ears

3-Sew arms then legs

4-Sew horn
5-Add hair if you want (if you aren't sure about how to do it, go on Youtube!)


You can use this pattern for your personal use only!

You can also sell the finish product.

This pattern is my own, don’t copy it and ask me if you can use it.
Visit me on Instagram and tag me on the picture of your unicorn at @amigurumore.
Use the hashtag #amigurumore to share the love!

Message me if you have any questions about the pattern,
I will try to answer as fast as possible.

Lisa from @amigurumore